

After a career as professor of French and French-speaking literature at American and French universities Ginette Adamson turned to painting.

This movement towards painting came for her quite naturally since literature and art have maintained rather close links particularly since the beginning of the Twentieth century. The Dadaists and Surrealist writers were often themselves painters. Ginette Adamson’s literature seminars always included aspects of art history as an excellent way to help her students understand more concretely the abstract images found in the poetry of René Char, André Breton, Marcel Duchamp, among others.

Dividing her life between Strasbourg, France and Oklahoma City, she consecrates the major part of her time to artistic creation.

Ginette Adamson constructs her canvas in jubilation, using all the techniques that stimulate her creativity. Every form, just like every word, is a sign. Placed on the canvas, in colors that give them new dimensions, these forms intertwine, multiply, and transform themselves into tracks until, as the painter and poet René Char said, only the tracks remain.

Ginette Adamson’s paintings are on display in Paris, Grenoble, Strasbourg, Kehl, Zurich, Oklahoma City.